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IMEACHTA AN CHOISTE.THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMITTEE.De Mairt, 8adh Iul, 1924.Tuesday, 8th July, 1924.1. The Committee met at 10.30 a.m. 2. The following Members were present:— Deputy O’Sullivan (Chairman), the Minister for Lands and Agriculture, Deputies Beamish, Donovan, P. K. Hogan (Limerick), Milroy, Johnson, D’Alton, Heffernan, J. Cosgrave and Duffy. 3. The Committee resumed consideration of the Bill. (i.) Section 29. Debate was resumed on the following amendment proposed by Deputy Milroy on the 5th July:— “To add at the end of the section four new subsections as follows:— ‘(3) The use of the national mark shall not be granted to any registered manufacturing exporter, until it has been ascertained by regular examination at specified ports for a period of not less than six months of sample packages of all consignments exported by that manufacturer that as may be after they are made, and if a resolution is passed by either such House within the next subsequent twentyone days on which that House has sat annulling such regulations, such regulations shall be annulled accordingly, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under such regulations’.” Question put, and agreed to. Motion made (Minister for Lands and Agriculture): “That the Section, as amended, stand part of the Bill.” Question put, and agreed to. (x.) Sections 39, 40 and 41 agreed to. (xi.) New Sections. Amendment proposed (Deputy Milroy): “To insert before the First Schedule a new section as follows:— ‘42 (1) Before any part of this Act shall come into operation, there shall be established by the Minister a National Dairy Council, the functions of which shall be as follow:— (a) to make representations from time to time to the Minister on any or all of the following matters, so far as they affect the dairying industry in Saorstát Eireann: (i.) the improvement or safeguarding of the industry; (ii.) any proposed new legislation or proposed amendments of existing Acts; (iii.) any regulations proposed by the Minister in connection with any Act relating to dairying; (iv.) any matter arising out of the operation of any Act, or of any regulation made under an Act; (v.) the appointment of examiners of butter, and other officers to be appointed by the Minister in connection with the inspection of registered premises or dairy products; (b) to enquire, either by itself or in conjunction with any person or persons appointed by the Minister into the progress, policy, and development of dairying in other countries; (c) in conjunction with the examiners appointed by the Minister, to examine either at the ports or elsewhere samples of butter where considered desirable, with a view to advising the Minister or other department either generally or in any particular instance in connection with the examination of butter; (d) to investigate the operation of any Act affecting dairying, or the operations of any clause or schemes under that Act, with a view to advising the Minister; (v.) New Section. Amendment proposed (Deputy Heffernan): “To insert before Section 33 a new section as follows:— ‘No inspector employed under this Act shall have any financial or other material personal interest in or personal obligation in connection with any firm engaged in any one or more of the businesses to which this Act relates’.” Question put; the Committee divided; For, 4; Against, 5.
(vi.) Sections 33, 34 and 35 agreed to. (vii.) Section 36. Amendment proposed (Deputy Johnson): “At end of sub-section (3), line 60, to add the words ‘provided that if any such imported butter is exported the provisions of this sub-section shall not apply’.” Question put; the Committee divided; For, 5; Against, 4.
Motion made (Minister for Lands and Agriculture): “That the Section, as amended, stand part of the Bill.” Question put, and agreed to. (viii.) Section 37 agreed to. (ix.) Section 38. Amendment proposed (Deputy Beamish): “To add at the end of the section a new sub-section as follows:— ‘Regulations made by the Minister under this Act shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon 9 July, 1924.3. The Committee resumed consideration of the Bill. (i.) First Schedule. Amendment proposed (Deputy Baxter): “To add to paragraph 4 a new sub-paragraph as follows:— ‘(c) All glass ware and other measures or weights shall conform to the Government standard and be stamped accordingly’.” Amendment, by leave, withdrawn. First Schedule agreed to. (ii.) Second Schedule. Amendment proposed (Deputy Beamish): “In line 53 after the word ‘premises’ to insert the words ‘and the’.” Question put, and agreed to. Amendment proposed (Deputy Baxter): “To add after the word ‘premises,’ line 58, the words ‘all glass ware and other measures or weights shall conform to the Government standard and be stamped accordingly’.” Amendment, by leave, withdrawn. Motion made (Minister for Lands and Agriculture): “That the Schedule, as amended, be the Second Schedule to the Bill.” Question put, and agreed to. (iii.) Third Schedule. Amendment proposed (Deputy P. K. Hogan, Limerick): “In the second column, lines 8, 15-16, and 19, to delete the words ‘one penny’ and substitute therefor the words ‘one halfpenny’.” Question put; the Committee divided For, 8; Against, 4.
8-9 July, 1924.(e) to advise the Minister generally on any matter affecting the industry. ‘(2) The Council shall be constituted of twelve members to be appointed by the Minister from persons nominated in such manner as shall be provided by regulations under this Act; in the first instance by the manufacturing exporters of butter, and afterwards by the persons and firms whose names appear for the time being in the registers kept pursuant to section 13 (1) of the Act. The Minister may remove any member of the Council. ‘(3) The Council shall, subject to the approval of the Minister, appoint its own officers, and provide for the carrying out of its own clerical work’.” Question put, and negatived. Amendment proposed (Deputy Heffernan): “To insert before the First Schedule a new Section as follows:— ‘An Advisory Council shall be appointed by the Minister and shall consist of representatives selected from the various interests, engaged in the industry and shall advise the Minister on all matters concerning the working of the Act and shall be consulted by him on the making of any regulations under this Act. The members of the Council shall hold office for a period of two years and shall be eligible for re-appointment.” Amendment, by leave, withdrawn. 4. The Minister for Lands and Agriculture moved:— “That the Committee do now adjourn until 10.30 a.m. to-morrow.” Question put, and agreed to. The Committee adjourned, accordingly, at 2.5. p.m. until 10.30 a.m. to-morrow. |
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