Committee Reports::Report No. 02 - Nominating Deputies to serve on a Special Committee to consider the Interpretation Bill::06 December, 1923::Report


An Dara Tuarasgabháil o Choiste Roghnathóireachta an tSiosóin ag ainmniú Teachtaí chun fónamh ar Choiste Speisialta chun an Bille Léiriúcháin do bhreithniú.

(Second Report of the Sessional Committee of Selection nominating Deputies to serve on a Special Committee to consider the Interpretation Bill).

1. The Committee of Selection have nominated the following Deputies to act on the Special Committee to consider the Interpretation Bill:—Deputies Magennis, McGilligan, Duggan, Kennedy, Wolfe, Egan, Thrift, Figgis, Johnson, P. Hogan (Clare), Conlon and Heffernan—(12).

2. The Committee suggest that the quorum of the Special Committee should be fixed at seven, and that the date for reporting back should be not later than Wednesday, the 19th instant. The first meeting of the Special Committee should be fixed for Wednesday, the 12th instant at 11 a.m.


Cathaoirleach an Choiste.

6adh Mí na Nodlag, 1923.